Carrier Oils

Oils are some of the most important components in making soap and other bath and body products.  Oils need to be balanced in order to create a certain quality to the product, making the product moisturizing, cleansing, or healing.    A wide variety of oils is readily available, which allows the formulation of unique products with so many potential benefits.  I will try to explain why each oil is used in a product, and why Simply Eden uses each oil in that product.

Also of note, Simply Eden does not use genetically modified organism (GMO) oils such as soybean or canola oils.

< Check out the Oils menu on the left to read about the individual oils we use in our products.


Additives are extremely important ingredients in soaps, lotions, and other bath and body products.  The extent of additives is overwhelming, usually sounding daunting and can be confusing.  Hopefully here, I can explain certain additives, why they are used, and in particular, why I use them in the products that I formulate.

< Check out the Additives menu on the left to read about the individual additives we use in our products.