Snowy Mountain Sheep Milk Creamery!

For the love of cheese!  I had the wonderful privilege of FINALLY meeting Sue of Snowy Mountain Sheep Milk Creamery!  All I can say is WOW, WOW, & WOW!


I heard about Snowy Mountain Sheep Milk Creamery from my mom, who read about them in the paper back in 2010.  Of course, being the cheese freak that I am, I certainly had to look them up and see what they were all about.  At that point, I contacted Sue…probably sounding a bit like a crazed fan , and I had not even tried the cheese .  Anyway, after numerous emails, I was finally able to meet with Sue.  I had already picked up a wheel of their creamy and flavorful Timpanogas Blue from the local market.  Being a self-described cheese connoisoir (or just over-rated cheese lover), this was simply amazing, so creamy and delectable with a touch of blue.  I had gone to heaven.

At Sue’s house, with views to die for, I was not expecting her to offer me tea, and then she brought out the goods!  For the love of cheese!  I was simply giddy!  I had gone from goat-milk soap and lotion and everything goat to sheep-milk cheese.  I had most certainly gone to heaven…or at least out of Utah.  I would say that it would be an acceptable European tradition to have tea and cheese at 10:30 in the morning…especally when topped with locally made merlot jam.  Seriously…was I still in Utah?  Certainly not.  I had an education on sheep, sheep-milk cheese, and all sort of other parallels of life.  How great it was to talk to another ruminent lover and “mother”.  Sue cares for the sheep and lambs, while her husband, with a Danish heritage, as well as executive chef, creates the recipes and makes the cheese.  Needless to say, after taking a couple of hours out of my hectic schedule, I felt refreshed and exhilarated after a wonderful time with my new friend.

I encourage you to check out their website and make an order!  Any of Snowy Mountains’ cheese would be an amazing addition to any party or get together!  Know that great care and pride is taking when creating and handcrafting this cheese!  You will surely be as impressed as I am with my new love of sheep-milk cheese!  You absolutely have to try it.  It is nothing like goat or cow’s milk cheese, very creamy, and universally pleasing on the palate.  Thank you, Sue, for a much-needed mini vacation and the time you took to have tea and cheese…the best of all worlds!




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